Friday, January 4, 2013

Little Things

Sometimes, it's the really the little things that count the most. Jacob is notorious for doing the little things that mean the most to me. For example, if I'm having a particularly horrible day because of work, or other things going on in my life, he has a way of slipping in a sweet word or a happy thought that seems to take my mind off of whatever it was that was bothering me. (: He doesn't know it, but I live for little moments like that. Sometimes it takes a little persuasion to get him to turn to his softer side, but I love every second I get it. He really is the kind of guy every girl desreves. You simply cannot go into a relationship and expect to change everything the person is to your vision of who he should be in your eyes. If so, then what reason did you ever have to enter into the relationship to begin with? You should fall in love with someone who has flaws, who isnt the perfect fairy tale prince that Disney gives to the girls. Look at him like your own Prince. The kind of Prince who doesn't want to hide you away from the rest of the world, who would rather show you off to his friends, and amazingly, his friends become some of your closest. One who plans a future with you, who makes silly noises juat to make you laugh,who can pick up the thread of a conversation and run a completely different direction with it and turn it into the best conversation of your life. Jacob has his own special way about him, one that I cherish more than anything else in this world. He and I can go absolutely anywhere and turn it into a spontanious date, especially just a run down to Walmart to get a pizza Lunchable, just because I mentioned I wanted it.When we first started dating,  he drove 45 minutes just to pick me up and go to Walmart and we ended up like two little kids in a candy store. Running up and down aisles, looking at all the movies and video games and picking which ones we would put in an ultimate movie collection, pushing all the buttons in the toy aisle and running away whem it actually worked, picking out Lunchables so I wouldn't starve at work, and he got me a Pillow Pet. We got back to my house and I knew he wanted to kiss me..and I was trying to play it off like I didnt know! I was so nervous because of all the feelings I had for him and we had been together for a month already and I hadn't kissed him yet!!

Ladies, if a man is willing to wait A WHOLE MONTH to kiss you because you just weren't ready, marry him <3

It was the most perfect kiss that ever existed. And that's all I will say.

It's the little things he does that mean the most. I don't need diamonds or huge trips to Paris -There's an idea!- I just need him. Being exactly who he is. I'm so proud of the man he is right this second, and who he will grow to be tomorrow.

So ladies, just let him do the little things in his own way. Let him be romantic in his own way, and most importantly, love him for exactly who he is, flaws and all. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is love. It takes hard work, trust, laughter and tears. It takes strength to handle all the bad and knowing pure joy to appreciate the good. He is my Happily Ever After. No matter what hardships and storms we face together, it can't rain forever. Eventually the sun comes out and our little corner of the world is at peace once again(: Isn't it lucky?

What can I say? We are two people in mutual weirdness and we call it love

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