Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Almost May!!

Can't believe it!! These months are flying by so fast!! Here's a little update for yall: Got back home to Alabama in March, been adjusting to being in a way new environment, job hunting with no luck so far, and enjoying every moment I can with Jacob. I feel like I've been here for years with him instead of just a month! We are LOVING it. The wait was worth it.We couldn't be happier!!

My best friend in the world is back on this side of the country and I have yet to see her!!! We will change that soon and enjoy it as long as we can, she leaves for Thailand to be a Missionary and I couldn't be prouder!

Jacob and I are still trying to figure out wedding ideas and detail and we do know this: we are not going to have a very traditional wedding at all! Right now, we are looking at May, 21 2015, unless we change it. We want our colors to be Burgandy, Orange, Crimson and White. Yeap. Our college football teams' colors. Its very us. We are going to have our friend Joey do our ceremony  and that's about all we have figured out! We are more excited about our honeymoon more than anything else! We are going to spend it at Universal Studios and Disney World in Orlando, FL. It's something we have talked about doing ever since we got together, so why not just make it our honeymoon spot and have a blast! Harry Potter World is our first stop for sure! Dad and Jay own a timeshare in Orlando, and for our wedding present they are letting us use it instead of spending a fortune on a resort! So so so so excited!! I can't wait to marry him! Sometimes life gets really hard, but we keep that to ourselves and we push forward! We are stronger than we have ever been and it gets stronger every single day. I'm so blessed to be marrying my best friend and I cannot wait to see what the next few years brings us!!

Sorry it is so long between posts! Love y'all and thank you for sticking with us!

What can I say? We are two people who fell into mutual weirdness and we call it love<3

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The "L" Word

Sorry it's been so long! Between moving and emotionally preparing myself for this big step, the blog has kinda been low on the priority list!

I had a conversation with my Amber the other night, about love. It was very insightful, actually. She was describing how she feels about a guy, and it made me smile because even after over two years with Jacob, I still feel the same way I did when we first got together. I gave her advice from my heart, just being as honest as I could about my own experience, and per her request, I will put everything down that I told her, and I will continue doing so for any of you who could use some advice. I have a different way of looking at love and life. Here we go!

The key is, is to fall in love all over again every day. He will have no idea how much a simple smile or look  can make your knees absolutely useless. Hold onto that feeling, hold it tight. Because when things get hard or they are indeed falling apart, always find the tiniest little thing about him that makes you smile and don't let go. Even when it get's tough, that little string you found will be the strongest life line you will have and you can make it through anything. Absolutely anything. It's so easy to see flaws flaws flaws and leave because it's the simplest thing to  do. But if you can look at him and smile inside at absolutely  anything, why throw that away? People are precious. If you can look at the man you are with and look past the stuff that makes you nuts and see him truly as he is and remember why you fell for him in the first place, that's the strongest hold you  can find. Everybody needs somebody. I firmly believe that. Jacob can drive me nuts sometimes! But you know what? When I  close my eyes, he is the first thing I see. My whole future, is him. Not a single inch of it doesn't have him carved into it in stone. He's human. He's flawed. But he is perfect for me. I'm flawed and human too. Love is one of the strongest elements of most anything out there.
If I have learned one thing from my life with Jacob, it has been to hold tight and never let go. Think of life as the weather. Sometimes it's raining outside and it makes you sad and thoughtful. Sometimes the wind is blowing so hard everything is blowing away around you and it slips away. Sometimes the sun shines brighter than anything you can imagine and fills you with light and happiness. Sometimes tornadoes come and destroy everything. But it's what you do on the days that aren't sunny that make you who you are and it makes you hold on tighter to the things you cannot stand to lose. Absolutely everything happens for a reason. Even the weather. Jacob and I have had some of the strongest storms yet, and through everything we could have held onto to save, we held onto each other above everything else and we made it through. We lost so much but never each other. That's what love is.

Being back home with him, I can't describe the incredible joy I have. There are simply no words. It's absolutely perfect.

I love you.

What can I say? We are two people who fell into mutual weirdness and we call it love. (:

Thursday, February 7, 2013

You Be My Honeysuckle, I'll Be Your Honeybee

Most people know this catchy song by Mr. Blake Shelton, but with a lot of things, Music says a LOT when words simply can't. You can't have one without the other in this song. Just like Jacob and I, we are a pair. Can't have one without the other.

As many of you know, I will be returning home in about a month. And last night, I had a moment. So, again, as most of you know, I have been gone for quite a while. Recently, it's become quite a frustration for me when the obvious is stated when it comes to my relationship with The Loving Male. Yes, we have had a few thousand miles seperating us for a very long time. Yes, statistically, we should have split up about a month or two after I arrived in Washington, because most couples cannot handle the strain and weight of it all. And as someone so helpfully stated the other day "that we all know you are madly in love, but he is just someone you know over the phone." Well, see, here's the thing..

The few thousand miles deal, was my choice. To do something with my life.
The "splitting up", nope. I gave him a choice before I left, and he swore to me he wasnt going anywhere. The 21st of this month will make it two years for us.
Thank God for technology, we have been BLESSED BEYOND WORDS that we have had the ability to talk every day.

This moment I had, I had it after Jacob went to bed. I was re-reading through the texts from earlier and I have been going through my things to pack them up and I came across some things he had given to me, letters, little trinkets, and then the flash of my ring caught my eye. I glanced down at it and it hit me full on. I'm going to be able to see him every day. I won't have to miss him anymore. I won't have to cry myself to sleep some nights because it hurts so much. I won't have to say goodnight to him way before I go because of a time difference. I won't have to worry myself to death if he goes out at night if something were to happen, I have no way to get back in an hour should I have to. I get to hold his hand again, hug him whenever I want to, kiss him whenever I want, I get to finally, finally share my life with him every single day. He and I will learn more about each other, more than we realize right now. But I'm excited to learn. I get to finally have him in my arms again. No return flight weighing on my heart. I get to love him utterly and completely the way we have wanted for almost two years now. He and I had been together for almost five months when I left. That's five months of seeing each other almost every day, five months of hugs, kisses, adventures, and love constantly. So to go from that to zero except for the phone and Skype, that was a huge shock and adjustment for us. Look at us. Two years of strength. Two years of love. Two years of knowing exactly what we want even if the rest of it we had no idea. "If you love something, let it go. If it retuns to you, it was always meant to be yours in the first place and you Never EVER let it go." Well guess what, I'm coming home baby.<3 I have always been yours. I love you more than you will ever know.

What can I say? We are two people who fell into mutual weirdness, and we call it love.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So, Recently..

These past couple weeks have been a bit crazy around here!

I have made the decision to joing the Army, and I will be returning home in March!!! I will miss my friends and family here so much, but I need to do this for me. To get myself going on my own path. All I ask from y'all is that my decision is supported and respected. I don't have to explain my reasonings, just know that they are strictly noble and I love each and every one of yall for being absolutely amazing.

Jacob is worried, and he has every right to be. But he knows that I am SO proud of how strong he is. This isn't easy for him, he tells me he's okay with it, but this is so hard for him. I am so blessed to be marrying a man who is so supportive and loves me more than life itself. I will be home with him. That's been our goal for so so long, and I can't believe this is happening! We have gone through so many things that would break couples up, but it's only made us stronger.If the Army clears me, Jacob and I will be getting married before I head off to Basic. It's a huge step for us, but we are ready.Despite what others think reguarding us, this is for us and we are thrilled! If I am not able to join the Army, then our wedding plans will stay the same and he and I will enjoy every day together(:
To be honest, Basic Training scares me. But I'm excited to see how much I will grow as a person.I would like to stay in the military as long as I can. I mean, come on, Tricare ain't anything to sneeze at (; As long as Jacob and I are taken care of, I don't care. I'd love to make sure our future kids are taken care of too! It's gonna be a wild ride, but we can take it!(:

I love you baby, everything will be okay.

Love you guys

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sometimes, the Backseat Driver Needs To Shut Up.

You know the stereotype. Husband in the driver seat, wife in the passenger, driving down the road. Husband is searching for the destination while the wife is whispering alternate routes under her breath loud enough for him to hear.

Yeah. We know.

And tonight, I found myself doing that to Jacob.

I couldn't believe it.

Jacob and I have a type of teamwork that is virtually flawless 99.8% of the time. Except when I get worried about something and I push him. And for that baby, I am so truly sorry. When I worry, I get pushy with things that probably don't need to be pushed, and sometimes it's exactly what needs to happen and it works out. But it's true. The Backseat Driver really does need to shut up. Jacob knows what he is doing a lot of the time, and I know this. It's just the controlling woman chromosome that kicks in and I have this overwhelming need to make sure it gets done so I push him. And I really need to just step back, take a deep breath, and let him drive. He knows what he is doing. And I love that he knows what he's doing. So why can't I just chill?

Oh, yeah, I'm a girl. And a very chilled out, laid back one at that. But sometimes I get that nervous twitch and my sweet man knows that A)He needs to just ignore it or B) Listen very closely cause I'm trying to help him out. He's normally really good at which one to do. I don't have loaded questions or phrases like a lot of my other female counterparts do, so that is not the problem. The problem is my overly bossy streak that shows up uninvited sometimes. He is amazing for being able to take whatever comes his way advice wise or anything else and interperate into what he needs for that moment in time. Sometimes he needs to be pushed. Sometimes I do, or you do, or even the Cat in the Hat does. He is human and so am I. I hate backseat driving, yet sometimes its so easy to slide into that and it frustrates me becasue he doesn't need it a lot.

Sometimes, I really really really need to just shut up, and let him do his thing. He WILL get it done. In his own time, and not everything is on Paige Time.

I love you, sweetheart. I'm sorry for backseat driving tonight and being pushy.

I am an EXTREMELY happy girl to have someone who will grab my hand and hold it, even if we get lost casue we didn't ask for directions, and wherever we end up, we are happy and have a new appreciation of back roads and middle of nowhere. Especially when you have the man who drives the Getaway Car<3

Thank you for this amazing crazy adventure we are on, I wouldn't want it any other way<3

What can we say? We fell into mutual weirdness and we call it love.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Angels and Cowgirls

So, you know the saying, 'Angels among us'? Well, I used to not believe in them.

At all.
But sometimes, certain people are placed into our life that we never knew we needed until they were already there. Jacob is DEFINATELY an angel. He has earned his wings in Heaven.<3 Sorry sweetheart, this post isn't about you or us this time. This time it's about my other OTHER half. My UJT.
So, let me take you back roughly six years ago. It was an August day, I was literally on my first few days in a brand new school where I didn't know anybody. I was roughing out another day, beginning of my sophomore year, and I had band class. Oh, yeah. It was my birthday. Johnson had us doing outside rehersal in the Alabama summer heat, and out of nowhere this girl came up to me and said hi and introduced herself as Amber. She had no idea how much she had made my day. Just by saying hi. You know how you start talking to someone and it has that easy feeling about it? Like, you could talk for hours and look up and hours had flown by instead of minutes? Yeah, that was us. From that day on. We clicked! We were inseperable! She introduced me to some amazing people, and through different interests and other things, the other people and I have lost touch except for the occasional 'like' on Facebook, but not us. No, Sophomore year was one of the best I have ever had and it was allll thanks to Miss Amber Ruth(: We braved after school practices together, making fun of the random goings on in the band room while lounging on the floor or in the same chair, playing Extreme Red Rover..(; Competitions, classes, you name it.
This was also the first year I had gone to Disney in Florida and oh man. Did we have fun!! Rocking Roller Coaster was terrifying, but she was brave and the first go round she pulled us to the middle car and we LOVED it. So much, we went again and again and again. All at once. Somehow we got it into our pretty little heads that we were brave enough to sit in the very front row. Just us. She grabbed my hand in a death grip and for one silly moment I was absolutely convinced we were gonna die in that split second and hell, I grabbed hers just as tightly and boy did we scream our heads off!! It was absolutely hands down one of my favorite memories ever. I loved every second.
Junior year and Senior year came up quickly. She was a year behind me, but most wouldn't think so! We had so so so many more memories we filled in tose two years with. Prom dress shopping, boyfriends, sleepovers, band camp morning warmup rehersals where we couldn't work out we were laughing too hard(: Remember that? We tried to see how far away we could be from each other in the huge circle without laughing our heads off and it didn't work at all! We had laughing fits till we cried, taco bell runs before games, conversations about everything and anything for hours and hours on end, cried on each others shoulders, and endless hugs, everything and more. I wish I could dump all the memories into this blog, but it would be a thousand posts long.
I have had my future planned out with this girl since tenth grade. That's six years. Six amazingly wonderful years with the most incredible angel out there. I believe that there is someone out there for everyone. Their soulmate. Well, I have two. I know that may sound weird to anyone who doesn't understand, but there is literally no other way to put it. Amber has become a part of me. She and Jacob are the two people in my life I absolutely could not live without. I'm being dead serious. She is so much more than my best friend. It doesn't even scratch the surface. She is my sister. She is my lifeline, she is my lighthouse. Without her..I just wouldn't be able to function fully as a person. We have this plan, she and I. Our husbands are going to be best friends -Honey, you get along with everyone, so you have to best friends with Ambers future hubby, k?- and we will live super close to each other, and we are going to raise our kids together. That last one is going to happen for sure. I wouldn't be able to make it a single second throughout any pregnancy I have without her. She will be Godmother to our children, and will be a huge part of their lives. Just like I will be in hers. No other  person has ever made a bigger impact on my life than Jacob and Amber. I would gladly give my life, everything I have to you two no questions asked. She and I share a bond, a telepathy if you will, that no one gets but us. It can never be broken. One can't live without the other? Well, yeah. She is an angel in my life that will always fly with me, and I will be the one in the cowgirl boots right beside her through thick and thin. My life could never be totally complete without  her. She is the best sister, best friend, best role model, best everything that I have and ever will have. It's been much too long since I could wrap my arms around you, but Jacob and I will wait for you. I can't get married without my other other half right there with me. Un-Joined Twins. Forever. I love you My UJT, This one is for you<3

Monday, January 14, 2013

He Is The Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine

Taylor Swift really does have a way with words. Some of her songs are simply magical and creepily right on target with how I'm feeling. Kudos, Taylor.

But this one, this one is about Jacob. (:

My first interaction with this guy was by sheer coinocidence. Go figure. I had no idea when I turned around and saw him he was the love of my life. Nope. Not even a little bit.

But, I do have a confession..

I fell in love with his voice before I ever met him. The rest of him was just the icing on the cake.(:

He was crazy tall, like, gotta look up to the clouds kinda tall. Well, I am only five foot after all. Sheesh.

But anyways!

Like Jacob mentioned in his previous post, he was talking about little moments that stood out in his mind. Well, I have one in particular.

My first one was actually our first date. Remember, Jacob?

He had called me up a week before, and I was headed home with my friend Charissa. I answered the phone, grinning like a loon cause just seeing his name got me all girly and happy, and he announced that we have not had our first dat yet: We kinda had a couple times, but, ya know, those didn't count apparently(; and that he would like to take me out the following Saturday, if I was free of course. I pretended to check my busy, empty calendar and yup! I was free alright! So then came down to the Where? Well, you should never ask me that because I will always be up for anything and everything, as he has come to find out and I am horribly indescicive. So, he suggested the zoo and I got so stinkin excited! I mean, the most amazing guy ever had tapped into my inner childhood and knew exactly the perfect date for us and then a promise of a nice dinner afterwards. Y'all. Seriously. Could he GET any more perfect?! So, after I got off the phone I started squealing all happy and Charissa made me tell her everything and I was one very excited girl!!
So, of course I stressed all week about the perfect thing to wear, knowing he didn't care about all that, but I did of course. Saturday really sped up. It's like it knocked all the other days that ended in Y out of the way and by God he was gonna have his turn!

It takes me like, 15 minutes to get ready. Uh Uh. Not this day.

He came around to pick me up at noon, and I didn't come walking out until about noon thirty. God bless that man for not bolting, then! He gave me his usual spinny hug that I love so much, and we were off! Got to the zoo, and wouldn't you know it. The first warm day and all of Mnotgomery was there! Not a spot anywhere! So, I wasn't too disappointed and I suggested a movie because It would allow me to be close to him. He, on the other hand was VERY disappointed. I loved him a little bit more right then, because he wanted it to be perfect and it didn't turn out like his plan, it didn't matter to me. It showed me how much he cared to actually want it to be perfect. So off to the Rave we went. We ran into my best friend Amber and chit chatted for a few, and we ended up seeing Big Momma's Like Father Like Son. It wasn't the funniest, but I got to snuggle up so that was okay(:

We went to Outback and had a lovely dinner, we ended up sitting there for about three hours just talking each others ears off and we were totally happy doing it! The waiter really wanted the table, and we didn't move. Eventually we had to, and Jacob was still hungry!! I was shocked! We went to Walmart, cause, you know, that's where all small town kids go. I was so dang sleepy and we just wandered and I got a taste of wht he liked and vice versa, and he got me my first Pillow Pet. I was so touched because I had always wanted one and he just picked one up and handed it to me and we kept walking(: It's still one of my very favorite things. He dropped me off and he met my step-mom, and I was pleased. It had been the most perfect night ever. I knew that after that night, not a ton of stuff could ever top the way I was absolutely floating on cloud nine that night and how in that one night I was absolutely certain that this man was gonna be the man I married. I never told him that. I had decided that night that I was gonna marry that boy someday, and look at us now. two years strong and getting married(: Funny what one perfect night can do, huh? He made it absolutely perfect. I didn't care that the animals didn't see us, I didn't care that the movie wasn't that funny. What I cared about, I could never put into words and he is that best hting that's ever been mine. I love you<3