At all.
But sometimes, certain people are placed into our life that we never knew we needed until they were already there. Jacob is DEFINATELY an angel. He has earned his wings in Heaven.<3 Sorry sweetheart, this post isn't about you or us this time. This time it's about my other OTHER half. My UJT.
So, let me take you back roughly six years ago. It was an August day, I was literally on my first few days in a brand new school where I didn't know anybody. I was roughing out another day, beginning of my sophomore year, and I had band class. Oh, yeah. It was my birthday. Johnson had us doing outside rehersal in the Alabama summer heat, and out of nowhere this girl came up to me and said hi and introduced herself as Amber. She had no idea how much she had made my day. Just by saying hi. You know how you start talking to someone and it has that easy feeling about it? Like, you could talk for hours and look up and hours had flown by instead of minutes? Yeah, that was us. From that day on. We clicked! We were inseperable! She introduced me to some amazing people, and through different interests and other things, the other people and I have lost touch except for the occasional 'like' on Facebook, but not us. No, Sophomore year was one of the best I have ever had and it was allll thanks to Miss Amber Ruth(: We braved after school practices together, making fun of the random goings on in the band room while lounging on the floor or in the same chair, playing Extreme Red Rover..(; Competitions, classes, you name it.
This was also the first year I had gone to Disney in Florida and oh man. Did we have fun!! Rocking Roller Coaster was terrifying, but she was brave and the first go round she pulled us to the middle car and we LOVED it. So much, we went again and again and again. All at once. Somehow we got it into our pretty little heads that we were brave enough to sit in the very front row. Just us. She grabbed my hand in a death grip and for one silly moment I was absolutely convinced we were gonna die in that split second and hell, I grabbed hers just as tightly and boy did we scream our heads off!! It was absolutely hands down one of my favorite memories ever. I loved every second.
Junior year and Senior year came up quickly. She was a year behind me, but most wouldn't think so! We had so so so many more memories we filled in tose two years with. Prom dress shopping, boyfriends, sleepovers, band camp morning warmup rehersals where we couldn't work out we were laughing too hard(: Remember that? We tried to see how far away we could be from each other in the huge circle without laughing our heads off and it didn't work at all! We had laughing fits till we cried, taco bell runs before games, conversations about everything and anything for hours and hours on end, cried on each others shoulders, and endless hugs, everything and more. I wish I could dump all the memories into this blog, but it would be a thousand posts long.
I have had my future planned out with this girl since tenth grade. That's six years. Six amazingly wonderful years with the most incredible angel out there. I believe that there is someone out there for everyone. Their soulmate. Well, I have two. I know that may sound weird to anyone who doesn't understand, but there is literally no other way to put it. Amber has become a part of me. She and Jacob are the two people in my life I absolutely could not live without. I'm being dead serious. She is so much more than my best friend. It doesn't even scratch the surface. She is my sister. She is my lifeline, she is my lighthouse. Without her..I just wouldn't be able to function fully as a person. We have this plan, she and I. Our husbands are going to be best friends -Honey, you get along with everyone, so you have to best friends with Ambers future hubby, k?- and we will live super close to each other, and we are going to raise our kids together. That last one is going to happen for sure. I wouldn't be able to make it a single second throughout any pregnancy I have without her. She will be Godmother to our children, and will be a huge part of their lives. Just like I will be in hers. No other person has ever made a bigger impact on my life than Jacob and Amber. I would gladly give my life, everything I have to you two no questions asked. She and I share a bond, a telepathy if you will, that no one gets but us. It can never be broken. One can't live without the other? Well, yeah. She is an angel in my life that will always fly with me, and I will be the one in the cowgirl boots right beside her through thick and thin. My life could never be totally complete without her. She is the best sister, best friend, best role model, best everything that I have and ever will have. It's been much too long since I could wrap my arms around you, but Jacob and I will wait for you. I can't get married without my other other half right there with me. Un-Joined Twins. Forever. I love you My UJT, This one is for you<3
This made me extremely happy :) I'm so thankful we can continue to have a strong relationship even though we've been away for so long! I don't know what I would do without you. Heaven forbid I ever have to make a big decision without first getting your input! ;) I love you so so SO much my UJT. I can't thank you enough for the wonderful times we've had and will continue to have throughout our lives :)